How Did I Choose This Career?
For as long as I can remember I have always been on the artsy and crafty side. I remember playing with my Linkin Logs and Legos, building houses and buildings. One of my favorite Christmas presents was my Sprialgraph; I would doodle with that for hours. I would make things, like Halloween costumes and friendship bracelets.
I always liked to draw and color pictures. I even won a coloring contest when I was in Elementary School for the Epilepsy Center and received a $50.00 savings bond. My sister found the below drawing stuffed inside some papers when going through items after Dad passed away. My Dad saved this drawing of his truck that I drew for him when I was ten years old. It amazes me that he tucked it away all those years ago to be found again. I loved that truck and cried when he sold it.
Age 10 Dad's 1978 Ford Truck
I was also a Daddy’s girl and I followed him around everywhere. I was always his assistant fixing things. At a young age, I crawled up ladders handing Dad tools. My hand and arms were tiny, so I got use tools and get dirty when Dad’s arms and hands were too big. Dad taught me a lot about every aspect of home maintenance and repair. He was a handyman of all sorts but by trade, he was Union Insulator and worked and retired out of the Local 45. By following Dad around for years, I've probably done a little bit of everything or at least held the flashlight, watched, and asked a billion questions. One summer vacation, Dad finished the upstairs into two bedrooms. I was his assistant for everything from framing walls, insulating, hanging doors, finishing drywall, and painting. It was so much fun!
Being my Dad’s side kick, I believe that is where my passion for houses came along. When asked at the age of twelve, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” I would say, “Design houses.”
During my High School years, I took all the drafting classes that were available and as many art classes as possible. I always got great grades in all of my classes but paid most attention in Art, Drafting, and Math. I did have a little set back while in school, being left handed. It was always a little difficult in all the art and drafting classes because I had to learn how to draft and draw right to left and write upside down and backwards so that nothing would smear. I was one of the only girls in drafting class and yes, I got the, “You’re a girl, why are you in this class attitude from fellow classmates?” But that didn’t stop me, I didn’t care, I liked to prove to those classmates, that I could do this and it was better than theirs.
High School Drafting Class Project - New Fire Station at Glendale & S. Detroit
High School Commercial Art Project - Letterhead
High School Art Class - Arrows
One of my favorite drawings that I drew while in high school was a sketch of my Grandfather. It wasn’t for a grade; I made it as a gift for Grandpa. I don't claim to be the best artist but I liked trying. Grandpa loved his gift and was proud of it, which was what mattered the most.
Grandpa's High School Picture Sketched
Combining my passion for houses and my artsy/crafty side, I still wanted to design houses and/or buildings throughout High School. So upon graduation, when everyone asked me the dreaded question of, “What are you going to do now?” Without hesitation I would say, “Going to school for Architecture.”
When I look back on it, I can’t believe that I decided what I wanted to do when I was about twelve years old. I guess it shows that everyone has their little niche in the world that they seem to be good at and what they like. I just happened to find it at an early age and been able to make a career out of it.
My advice to all of you reading this is don’t give up on your dream when you’re little. It may come true. I’m living proof of it.